今天找到這樣商品Duo Tone Faux Leather Boat Shoes - 277153覺得還不錯
Start Date: 9/1, 12am
End Date: 9/30, 11.59pm
折價券號: SHOPALL9
SKU (simple) | ALZZLZZ0000002GS |
Upper Material | Faux leather |
Inner Material | Fabric 優惠網站 |
Sole Material | 美食小吃 Rubber |
Be the dapper man that you are with the Duo Tone Faux Leather Boat Shoes. Always aiming to bring to you style in a 'I don't care about fashion' kind of way, 24:01 has created a design that embodies just that. Easy and laid-back, these shoes speak for themselves.
- Synthetic leather upper
- Plastic eyelets with flat lace
- Round toecap
- Visible stitching details on the vamp
- Fabric insole with brand detail
- Rubber outsole
Duo Tone Faux Leather Boat Shoes - 277153 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
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